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Thank you!

We want to thank all those who supported us throughout the development of this incredible project, because without them we would not have been able to achieve what is now Not so bee-zy.


Thanks to Amber Studio for supporting us with their insights and feedback.


Thanks to the Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara and its dedicated teachers who always helped us and were always ready for us.


Thanks to our parents for always believing in us and supporting us at all times.


And thanks to the entire community that every day makes Not so bee-zy a better game.



Amarillas y las flores púrpuras

Juan Pablo, 22

I like the way it is designed the game, specifically the fact that you can explore the whole map. It remembers me to the Mario Galaxy Game, where you are not forced to follow a specific route.

Abejas en el trabajo

Renata, 12

Very fun, I like a lot the lazy bee. I want more levels!

Flores rojas

María Fernanda, 43

I liked it a lot, I think it's one of my favorite games, I had a lot of fun and it's entertaining for all audiences.

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